Optics / Photonics
Young high-tech enterprises
What makes our events relevant to you?
Unhide the Champions is an event series, each focusing on one technology sector per event. The upcoming event will match young high-tech enterprises and SMEs on November 28th in Jena:
Unhide The Champions X Optics & Photonics
One day without long keynotes, panels etc. Discuss opportunities for cooperation and deal-making in person with decision makers
Networking App
After registration, you will receive access to our Networking App 10 days before the event. Here we propose to you suitable interlocutors and you can make an appointment directly on site.
Jena / Thuringia
Vital ecosystem at its best for Optics & Photonics
- About 190 companies, employing >16,000 high-qualified employees
- Turnover of € 3.3bn, export rate 67%
- International well established network
- Broad range of competencies in almost all fields of optical technologies
- Awesome manufacturer mix: from component, suppliers through specialists for optical design to system suppliers
- Close link with Life Sciences and Healthcare
- More than 2,000 students in optic or laser technology
- Innovation-driven through research facilities

Young high-tech enterprises + German Mittelstand out of
5 application sectors in Optics & Photonics
Clean Environment
What to expect
- One day full of added value
- Introduction of German optics and photonics ecosystem
- High-level keynote
- Focussed networking and match-making (incl. networking app)
- Pitches of young high-tech enterprises (focused on their solution and partnering not for funding)
- Young high-tech enterprise exhibition area
- Meet the real movers and shakers
Exhibition of young high-tech enterprises
Each of the participating startups will have a small booth and thus a point of contact.
Each registered participant will receive access to our networking app 10 days prior to the event to:
- send messages to participants,
- shedule meetings,
- get further information of the other participants and their solutions/products,
- create your own agenda.
Attendee timeline
Young high-tech enterprises
Now | Registration
Register now and become part of Unhide The champions X Optics & Photonics.
After registration you are part of the event and get an exhibition space, a rollup and full access to Eventapp. Furthermore you are in the selection for a Pitchin slot.
Nov 11th | Deadline Rollup content
Every young high-tech enterprise receives a Roll-up as exhibition booth during the event. After the event, it’s yours.
Nov 18th | Access to the partnering app
- discover who is there
- arrange 1:1 meeting
- shedule YOUR agenda
Nov 28th | UNHIDE THE CHAMPIONS X Optics & Photonics
The most efficient networking event in optics and photonics you can attend.
Missed a contact
The Partnering-App will still be open 7 days after the event, so you can connect with partners you missed meeting
Become part of our Ecosystem
We built an open-innovation-platform for sustainable ecosystems after our events. You get free access to this platform after the event
Now | Registration
Register now and become part of Unhide The champions X Optics & Photonics.
Get in touch with the disruptors in the optics and photonics sector in Europe.
Ecosystem matching
Jena is one of the global hotsports in optics and photonics. The vital ecosystem is the reason, why themost innovative marketleaders are located here. We assit to get in touch with relevant players from the ecosystem.
Nov 18th | Access to the partnering app
- discover who is there
- arrange 1:1 meeting
- shedule YOUR agenda
Nov 28th | UNHIDE THE CHAMPIONS X Optics & Photonics
The most efficient networking event in optics and photonics you can attend.
Missed a contact
The Partnering-App will still be open 7 days after the event, so you can connect with partners you missed meeting
Become part of our Ecosystem
We built an open-innovation-platform for sustainable ecosystems after our events. You get free access to this platform after the event
Agenda & Venue
09:00am Registration & Coffee
Arrive, register and get a coffee until it starts.
10:15am | Dr. Sebastian Heidrich, JENOPTIK AG & Optonet e.V.
The Optics & Photonics Ecosystem in Germany
10:35am | Martin Schaffer, Founder EnShape, now Senior Group Manager at Cognex
Best practice: Cooperation between Mittelstand and Startups.

Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena University of Applied Sciences
Carl-Zeiß-Promenade 2
07745 Jena
Book your ticket directly in the Xing-Events shop.
What young high-tech enterprises get.
- You get a bar-table and a roll-up, which we design with your content (after the event it’s yours).
- Chance to pitch your product/solution to the German Mittelstand (fill out the descriptions of your company and your application conscientiously during the purchase process)
- Full access to valuable business contacts and other opportunities.
- Full Day Catering.
- Participation in our Match-Making App.
- Fun & great conversations.
What the Mittelstand & Corporates get.
- Insights and Inspiration from young disruptors from all over Europe.
- Full access to relevant business contacts and othe opportunities.
- Full Day Catering
- Participation in our Match-Making App.
- Fun & great conversations.
Clusters | Networks | Advisers | Consultants
- Full access to valuable business contacts and other opportunities.
- Full Day Catering.
- Participation in our Match-Making App.
- Fun & great conversations.
Do I need a XING-Account?
NO, you don’t need a Xing-Account to register.
15% Network Member discount
HTSB Network members receive a discount of 15%. You dont’t have received the promocode? Drop us a line.
Please check first whether you want to send a representative. If this is not possible, please click on “Request cancellation” in your confirmation email. We will then inform you and after a short inquiry, we will cancel your ticket. Please note that if canceled up to 2 weeks before the event, 15% cancellation fee will apply. So you get only 85% of the purchase price refunded.
A refund within the last two weeks before the event is not possible.