Our Mission
What we do
Powerhouse Eastern Germany - Meltingpot for high-tech and innovation.
Home of cutting-edge technologies, over 50 so called hidden champions, excellent research, and 108.000 km² full of talent.
Industry Cluster
Eastern Germany is home to an impressive number of regional and national networks and clusters. Use our platform and get in touch with all the relevant players you have to know.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
After the reunification, the swift expansion and rebuilding of transportation routes became the main priority of infrastructure policy in Eastern Germany. More than EUR 67 billion were invested in completing a large number of highways, the rail system, and telecommunication networks. An efficient logistics and communication network has since developed in the new federal states, ensuring quick access to suppliers, service providers, and many state-of-the-art industry parks.
Qualified and Motivated Workforce
A highly qualified workforce is key to economic competitiveness and success, as well as to prosperity of a given region. The new federal states in Eastern Germany have a highly motivated, qualified and reliable workforce – with many workers qualified to carry out more than one job. As such, they belong to one of the most flexible and best trained workforces worldwide.
Eighty-seven percent of the available workforce in the new federal states have completed formal vocational training. Specific industry requirements are met by vocational colleges that work closely with respective companies in the relevant business segments. Each year, around 80 thousand students successfully complete their studies in Eastern Germany.
Excellent Research and Development
A multitude of excellent universities, research and development centers, and business partnerships have significantly increased the attractiveness of the new federal states for international investors. A broad range of industry clusters – covering everything from renewable energies, optics, biotechnology, chemicals and electronics to nanotechnology, aerospace, and automobile assembly – provide promising opportunities.
Why you should be part of the program.
- Win customers in Europe and market entry in other European countries
- Upgrade your value chain
- Access to innovative modes of thinking, products, services, business models, and game-changing solutions
- Participate in mega trends
- Handle the pressure to innovate goal-oriented by having high-quality access to innovation
- Steer your progress and growth
- Increase visibility in the European Startups ecosystem
young high-tech enterprises
- Gain and increase visibility in the German market
- Meet curated leads, vendors and clients for your products and solutions
- Access to established processes, from R&D over manufacturing to fullfillment
- Get access to the German high-tech ecosystems and the most relevant German players
- Optimize your Market entry in Germany
upcoming events in high-tech hotspots
5.000+ highly innovative companies
50 global market leaders
excellent research – outstanding talents
- Chemistry & New Materials
- Optics & Photonics
- Software
- Life Sciences
- Transport & Logistics
- Energy- and Environmental Technologies
- Machinery-, Plant and Lightweight Engineering
- ICT, Micro- and Nanotechnologies